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Architectural Doubts - Knut Henrik Henriksen, Walther König, 2016
€ 28
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Architectural Doubts is a major survey monograph examining twenty years of Knut Henrik Henriksen’s practice. The book looks in detail at his central concepts of ‘architectural doubts’ and ‘architectural frustrations’. Henriksen’s sculptures and interventions are often defined around spatial volumes in structures that have gone through change over time. Buildings re-articulated via “architectural doubts” include Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Kunstmuseum Bern and Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier. Harnessing the form of the publication, Henriksen has kept the ‘waste space’ around the standard A4 format and invited Karl Holmqvist to use this as a project space. The book works as a manual linking Henriksen’s thoughts around sculpture, architecture, materials, standard forms, doubt and frustration.

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